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Camping with Kin

July 4-6, 2006

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Our kin -- Jeff, Joanne, Ray & Ben -- drove west from Minnesota while we headed east from California and we met somewhere in the middle, at the Canyon Campground in Yellowstone. We spent a day touring the geysers together. Saw no bears in our camp, but we did notice some fairly fresh claw marks on a tree in our camp, a calling card from one who had stopped by not too long before our arrival.

At this rendezvous, there were no nocturnal, Lord-of-the-Flies style frog-gigging expeditions, nor even a single game of Cardinal Puff (wherein any unlucky drinker who forgets the orthodoxy of that beer-guzzling ritual is promptly instructed to "finish your drink and start again"). Maybe we sit a little lower in our chairs than the last time we met, but it was awfully fun and I found myself thinking as we each headed down our side of the Continental Divide that there are many more national parks in the lands between us that we ought to explore.