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Max & Carlotta's Adriatic Villa

Miramar, Trieste
April 27, 2023

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POV: Your older brother is the Emperor of Austria, so you while away your time creating a dream villa on the coast of the Adriatic. Just a few miles up the coast from the empire's major port at Trieste, Max and Carlota built their perfect honeymoon cottage, a dreamy Mediterranean escape. Freed from the stresses and demands of leading Navies or governing rebellious provinces, they were never happier.

But nothing lasts forever: Mexican conservatives and France's Emperor Napoleon III identified Max as the most likely candidate to impose monarchy on the Republic of Mexico. Max & Carlota agreed to the plan, believing they could sneak in liberal reform once the conservatives had empowered them. It didn't work out that way: Max wound up in front of Benito Juarez's firing squad, and Carlota spent the last six decades of her life wandering the halls of Belgian palaces in a state of madness.