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PCT Resupply in Idyllwild

March 19-20, 2022

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Just a couple weeks after dropping Em off at the start of the trail, the dogs and I drove up to Idyllwild in the Eurovan to meet up with and resupply her. We got to meet Ranger and Rapunzel, two hiker friends who would be part of her tramily for the next few months, and had a really good time wandering around in the midst of so many through hikers.

Although I hadn't packed any gear, it's easy enough to sleep in the van. So we stayed the night in a little campground right in town, and Em got a break from sleeping on the ground.

But having a hiker friend with a car is an opportunity not to be missed, and in the morning I was in hot demand by a few hikers who wanted rides to places.

The first guy looked like a bedraggled homeless guy, and was an acquaintance who wanted a ride to a certain trailhead about 5 miles away. While the kids got coffee, I drove him up. I asked what had brought him onto the trail.

"Well, I was working at Goldman in Houston, and I wanted a break so I save enough to be able to take this amount of time off." Goldman?? What were you doing there? "I'm a commodities broker."

The other fellow had the trail name of Reverend, and it turned out he was a cloud computing specialist, so we could talk about that. He needed a 3-hour ride, all the way to LAX, but it was nice to have company on the way home. Henry sat on my lap the whole way, and even got sick and threw up on me twice. Reverend didn't seem to mind.
